
Effective from 1st March 2011, when registrations are made to the Ministry of Commerce with respect to the following entities it is necessary to include a map of the location of the entity in addition to landmarks nearby:

  1. Incorporation of partnership, limited company, amendment of head office address and transformation of a partnership to a limited company;
  2. Registration of amalgamation of partnership or limited company (in case the head office is not the same as the registered office);
  3. Dissolution of a partnership or limited company (in case the office of the liquidator is not the same as the head office).


In addition, it is necessary to submit the identity card (or passport) of all related authorized persons when the following registrations are made: –

  1. Incorporation of partnership, new partner, amalgamation of partnership;
  2. Registration of Memorandum of Association and incorporation of limited company;
  3. Registration of new director, transformation of a partnership to a company and amalgamation of companies;
  4. Dissolution of partnership or limited company.


The notarization of the identity card (or passport), certain forms, and copies of supporting documents are required if documents are signed outside of Thailand.

Source: Rule of Partnerships and Companies Registration Office related to Partnerships and Companies Registration B.E. 2554